Linnoitustie 4 B, 02600 Espoo
Mittauslaitteet, tutkimuslaitteet
Malvern Panalytical B.V., sivuliike Suomessa
Päätoimiala: Mittauslaitteet, tutkimuslaitteet
Linnoitustie 4 B, 02600 Espoo
Y-tunnus: 1906447-7
Puhelin: 09 221 2584
Malvern Panalytical B.V. Malvern Panalytical B.V. is the world leader in X-ray analysis systems with the world's largest installed base, an extensive product range and an unrivaled sales and service network. As such, we are able to offer you cutting-edge and comprehensive insight, knowledge and tools as you strive to improve process and quality control and to improve materials research. And in this way, as your partner, we can do much to bring about a healthier and safer world and a better life for all. Science for the real worldMalvern Panalytical B.V. was founded half a century ago as part of the Philips organization. Malvern Panalytical B.V. quickly gained a growing reputation for utilizing highly scientific X-ray analysis technology in order to add proven and demonstrable added value for customers in science and industry. The process of harnessing science to real world needs is central to our activities, and is achieved by working closely together with scientists and professionals in research and industrial laboratories. This open and interactive approach of 'Winning by Sharing' gives us a unique ability to anticipate and respond to the constantly changing demands of society. Better lives, worldwideConsequently, we see our X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction systems being used in more and more industries in order to deliver ever-improving levels of accuracy and efficiency. Together with our customers around the world, PANalytical is contributing greatly towards the drive for better housing, safer cars and airplanes, more effective medical therapies, easier and cheaper communications, and a healthier environment. Every day, billions of people use an incredible range of products that have been improved with the help of materials characterization through X-ray analysis. SpectrisIn 2002, Malvern Panalytical B.V. was incorporated into Spectris as one of their autonomous operating businesses. Our core values remained unchanged, and we continue to be committ...