Rapulankatu 2, 20780 Kaarina
Bioproton Europe Oy is a global developer and manufacturer of enzymes, probiotics, surfactants and other high-quality animal feed additives. We have a global sales, marketing and distribution network covering Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Easter Europe, Middle East, North America and South America. Our customers are feed distributors who serve feed industry, farms etc. Bioproton was founded in Finland in 1984 and our operations in Australia initiated in 1993. A new production facility in Kaarina Finland was established in 2017.
Bioproton Europe OY
Päätoimiala: Biotekniikka
Rapulankatu 2, 20780 Kaarina
Y-tunnus: 2547999-4
Puhelin: 040 031 4813
Email: info@bioproton.com